Last Season Of "How I Met Your Mother" To Take Place In Twilight Between Sleep And Awake

Published Friday, December 6th, 2013
Filed under Campus Life

“While we love the tried-and-true How I Met Your Mother format, we think viewers are ready for something a little more in-depth and metaphysically contorted,” said co-creator Craig Thomas. “We just thought that it would be really compelling to compress weeks worth of plot into a moment so infinitesimal that human brain is not actively aware of it.”

When questioned about the length of the season, Thomas claimed that, “It will go on for an indefinite amount of episodes, since time has no meaning in the limbo between the unconscious and the material world,” prompting longtime fans to question if Ted Mosby’s search for the love of his life will go on ad infinitum as the show has decided to break all remaining ties with linear temporality.

When reached for comment, showrunner Carter Bays said that fans could look forward to a refreshing change of scenery. “Instead of most scenes taking place at the familiar watering hole McClaren’s, the main setting will be the dreamscape of Ted’s unconscious, just to keep things fresh,” said Bays.

This season’s fans will get to know the main cast even better, both as characters and as projections of Ted’s psyche. Actor Jason Segel said he was excited to reprise his role as Marshall Eriksen. “I’m excited to be back to finish the series for the fans that have been there since day one," said Segel. "They deserve a satisfying ending that takes the most winding and circuitous route possible. Fans love the show for the striptease of a story arc, otherwise, why would they have kept up with it for this long?”