Animal Testing Found Way Funnier Than Hypothesized

Published Wednesday, May 9th, 2012
Filed under Science & Technology

Researchers said that animal rights activists, who have long protested the widespread use of animal testing, probably don’t understand the comedic value of putting non-consenting animals through a variety of potentially dangerous experiments.

“It’s not even that useful, really, because what happens to a puppy might not happen to a human, for example,” said Brady Hill, lead researcher and professor at Harvard University. “But I think companies need to continue to test the safety of their products on animals, just for laughs if for nothing else, you know?”

Researchers acquired a number of puppies, kittens, gerbils and various other young, harmless pets to test shampoos, makeup, skin products, pharmaceuticals and bullets, among other products. They then measured how funny it was based on the consensus reached by observing researchers. According to the research paper, which was published last month in the Harvard Scientific Review, everyone involved had a great time.

“I think the most fun we had was with the makeup,” Hill said. “We just coated this puppy’s eyes with mascara and put some lipstick on her snout. She looked so cute.”