Area Woman Loses Both Hamilton Lottery And Ailing Mother In One Weekend

Published Friday, September 17th, 2021
Filed under Off Campus

“You’re never prepared for even one of those things to happen,” said Lovins through tears. “Maybe I could’ve processed them better if they’d been spaced out. But both, in such a small window of time… it really felt like the universe was out to get me.”

Lovins shared some of the ways in which she was coping, including making scrapbooks to remember her mother’s life, gathering friends and family for a small memorial service, and reentering the next day’s Hamilton lottery.

“I just tell myself to keep moving forward,” said Lovins, tissue in hand. “But it’s hard when it’s a one-two punch like this. I mean, I was on the ground bawling my eyes out for hours and cursing God. And then I got the call about my mother.”

At press time, Lovins was entering grief counseling and price-shopping Book of Mormon tickets.