Baseball Players Get Paid?!

Published Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
Filed under Opinion

There’s just no way all those guys get paid money for running around a field and swinging bats! I mean, it’s a good enough game, and I’d be lying if I told you I don’t tune in from time to time, but I’m just not clear on why they’d be getting compensated.

What did I think they did it for? I don’t know, it looks pretty fun. They all seem to be having a good time hanging out with their friends and tossing a ball around. I play softball with my daughter sometimes, and even though I can’t catch all that well, I still like it.

I figured they had a league going. Everybody puts in five bucks and the winning team gets the pot and then treats everyone to a beer, maybe nachos. Just a few pals getting together, doing their best to stay in shape. But, of course, not trying too hard.

You know what? I was thinking of telling Billy from the middle-school team to sign up. Kid’s got an arm on him. Sure, he’s young, but I didn’t think that’d be a problem, what with his arm. Guess I really should tell him now. Is there an email for that?

You learn something new everyday, don’t you? And, no, I know, it’s America’s favorite—wait. They get paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS?! To play a game. For seven months. I thought Jerry down the street was overpaid, and he’s still paying off Bowdoin. Jerry’s a lawyer.

I guess that’s just America for you! Land of the free. Sheesh.