“By reducing the number of students on campus to one, we can recreate the on-campus student experience while adhering to all medical and public health guidelines,” read Paxson’s email. “This will make it possible for all undergraduates living in residence halls to have a single academic institution to themselves, de-densifying classrooms, libraries and other spaces on campus as much as physically possible, and technically fulfilling my promise to have an in-person semester this fall.”
In providing an initial timespan for the new academic year, Paxson’s email clarified that each semester will last approximately 15 minutes.
“Shopping period will end after two minutes, reading period will begin at minute 13 and students will be expected to be tested for COVID-19 at minutes five and ten” continued Paxson. “Though the length of the semester will be slightly condensed, we believe the 7,160-semester system will allow for a meaningful on-campus experience, and the lack of a community will prevent virus spread through the community."
At press time, a graduating senior announced that he was proud to represent the Brown University class of Monday, October 19th, 2020, 11:00-11:15 AM.