CCB Candidate Receives Pivotal Endorsement From Roommate

Published Friday, March 15th, 2024
Filed under Campus Life

“Huh? Oh yeah, Carl’s cool,” declared roommate Rafe Conroy in line at the Ratty, announcing his unmitigated support for Jameson’s agenda and his future political aspirations. “We get along okay.”

“He’s like, a nice guy. Good roommate, I guess,” added Conroy, taking a brave stand in the midst of a heated campaign season that has rocked the community at Brown University to its very core. “He’s a little quiet, but that’s cool with me.”

Beyond being Jameson’s roommate, Conroy has at least 4 friends that will probably vote if he reminds them about it, giving him control over a substantial voting bloc.

“One time I locked myself out of the dorm, and he let me back in. That was nice of him,” continued Conroy, offering a stirring testimony about Jameson’s ability to manage the kind of high-stakes situations that a CCB president must be ready to handle. “Yeah, I guess I’ll vote for him.”

At press time, a Brown Motion Pictures screenwriter received a standing ovation from their girlfriend.