Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy But I Would Kill That Motherfucker For His Jacket by William Roberts

Published Friday, May 3rd, 2024
Filed under Opinion

I mean, you know me. I’ve got a couple of jackets in my closet already—maybe more than a couple—and there’s certainly value in appreciating what you already have. That’s where true bliss comes from, really. Appreciating what makes you unique, what sets you apart from other people. But it’s springtime! It’s time for a closet cleanout, some lighter clothes, so they’ve got to die. Sure, this might not bring me enlightenment, but it’ll certainly help me look cool in class. You get it—sometimes an assault of others so you can take what they have is needed. It’s just, the way that I see it, what I’m wearing is awful, and what they’re wearing is great, and they may need to die to remedy this! Nothing crazy.

Monks say that contentment can only come from appreciating what you have and desiring less, even nothing at all. Clearly, they don’t put that shit on.