Email Signature Way Too Professional For Person Concentrating In Medieval Studies

Published Friday, March 11th, 2022
Filed under Campus Life

“I’d totally understand the elaborate email signature if Austin was studying something like engineering or economics,” said Ava Murray, a friend of Wreski who’s not really sure why he includes three different phone numbers at the end of every email. “But Austin concentrates in Medieval Studies. He’s literally writing a thesis on crafting in the Middle Ages right now. Don’t get me wrong, it’s impressive, but not really worthy of a senate-office-style email signature."

“I’m pretty sure that half of Austin’s emails include the word ‘knight,’ so it’s probably pretty jarring once you get to the signature at the bottom,” added Murray, trying to figure out who the audience is for Wreski’s elaborate email signature, which includes the Brown logo, a home phone, a cell phone, a work phone, as well as Wreski’s middle name, home address, and hand-drawn signature. “Maybe you apply to grad school for Medieval Studies via email? I honestly have no idea.”

At press time, a LinkedIn account was way too detailed for a person concentrating in Egyptology.