Entire Campus Wakes Up Smiling Knowing They Get To Read A New Brown Daily Herald

Published Friday, October 26th, 2018
Filed under Campus Life

“Every morning, I wake up positively giddy about the idea of reading eight pages of new BDH content,” said senior Nicole Yan. “We are so lucky!”

“I lie awake for hours every night trying to guess what hard-hitting stories they’re going to run and what groundbreaking issues they’re going to so bravely address in their op-eds,” Yan continued, adding that she was crossing her fingers that tomorrow’s issue would include another scintillating piece about the latest UCS meeting. “I’m just too excited to close my eyes. And then when I finally drift off to sleep, I dream about the next day’s issue. Morning just can’t come fast enough!”

Yan went on to say that most mornings she has to eat a light breakfast because the butterflies in her stomach are just too strong.

“And after I eat breakfast,” she continued, “My friends and I all sprint to the nearest BDH distribution spot so we can be sure to get a copy. We have to be there right when they drop it off since the whole campus has the same idea and copies are so hard to come by.“

“If I get there early enough though, sometimes I even take two!”