Freshman From Massachusetts To Debut Saying ‘Y’all’ Tonight

Published Friday, April 9th, 2021
Filed under Campus Life

“I’m from just outside the Boston area, so I obviously never heard ‘y’all’ growing up,” Supine said, anxiously rehearsing the word in the mirror. “I hear a lot of people using it and it’s a great word, so I think I’m finally going to try it out tonight.”

Supine has reportedly been anxiously gearing up for this event for weeks, even marking it on his Google Calendar to prevent himself from chickening out at the last minute.

“It takes practice, practice, practice to nail a debut like this,” Supine added, recording himself saying the word to refine his pronunciation. "When I’m alone in my dorm, I just try it out in different contexts to see what feels the most natural. I think I’m just going to casually ask my friends, ‘what are y’all doing tonight?’”

Unfortunately, when it came time to ask the question, Supine reverted back to his Boston roots and asked, “What are you guyses plans?”