Frog Rule Swamp And Man Rule Land, Just As Nature Intended

Published Friday, April 25th, 2014
Filed under Off Campus

Man has passed down his knowledge of the ancient partition of man and frog from generation to generation, authorities report. “It has been this way since the beginning of time,” said human Bert Kleur. “So long as we keep to our domain and the frogs keep to theirs, we can both live without conflict. Thus, we protect the natural equilibrium and ensure our prosperity.”

While most men would never dare speak ill of the essential balance of power between man and frog, there are some who question nature’s ordinance. “It’s time for us to stop blindly believing everything our parents tell us. We understand evolution now, and we can think about this rationally,” said human Gareth Herring. “Man evolved from creatures of the water, so we have just as much right to the swamp as those slimy-skinned bastards. We should attack the frog colony.”

In response to the opponents of nature’s will, leaders of the human race have increased security along the border separating land and swamp. “We must protect the harmony between the man and frog. If man tries to invade the swamp and overthrow the frogs, the omnipotent forces of nature will guarantee our failure,” said human Edwin Keck. “We would get totally stuck in the mud and the frogs would defeat us with ease. Man’s legs were not meant for the bog.”

The frogs, wary of man’s disorderly reign of the land, have motioned for a renewal of the longstanding treaty that maintains man’s domination of the land and frog’s domination of the swamp. “We cannot afford to lose the frogs’ trust, so we must cooperate with their demands immediately,” said human Darien Velazco. “Just as bird rules the sky and monkey rules the tree, nature intends for frogs and humans to rule in their natural elements.”

“Ribbit, ribbit,” commented Frog Prince Grubbit on the impending human revolution that threatens to disrupt the delicate peace that nature commands. “Ribbit, ribbit.”