According to New England housing justice nonprofit ROOFS, a new Warwick haunted house attraction “Mansion of Frights” would be much more useful as a haunted multifamily unit. “We feel that in this ongoing housing crisis, it is simply irresponsible to be constructing such large buildings that are only meant to house one family of vengeful Victorian spirits,” said ROOFS outreach coordinator Jennifer
Ryan at a growing protest at the gnarled gates to the haunted house. “Think about how many ghosts have been forced to haunt less expensive towns, or all the lost souls in tattered wedding gowns doomed to haunt the cold, dark forests. It’s simply immoral to not ensure these ghouls haunted housing when they have been damned to a life of transiency between realms through no fault of their own.
At press time, Disney’s Tower of Terror ride still has no plans to make sure a portion of the haunted apartments is allocated to low-income ghosts.