Incoming Freshman Ready To Leave Petty High School Drama Behind, Start New, Sophisticated College Drama

Published Friday, September 13th, 2019
Filed under Campus Life

“I’m just so over high school drama,” Hobard said. “High school was just a bunch of childish gossip and rumors being spread about everybody. Now that we’re in college, I’m excited for the gossip and rumors about everybody to be more refined.”

“Everybody in high school just wasn’t on my level," Hobard added, explaining how relieved she feels to start meeting new college classmates who just aren’t on her level. "They were all stuck in their petty old drama, but I was already prepared to move on to a new, high-brow sort of drama that comes along with the college experience.”

“I’m so ready to get over all that annoying high school drama about who’s dating who and all that," Hobard continued. "Thankfully, I’m sure college drama about who’s dating who will be so much more mature and sophisticated.”

At press time, Hobard was ready to leave her cute high school crush for a cute, worldly college crush.