Kellogg’s Introduces Mascot With Healthy Relationship With Cereal

Published Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
Filed under Off Campus

Kellogg’s explained it had the “crazy people who would kill for cereal” demographic already covered and wanted to reach out to the people who just treat cereal like regular food.

“We were thinking about some sort of dog,” said Kellogg’s advertising executive Mark Ruben. “But then we thought, do dogs even eat cereal? I mean, they probably would if you gave them some. But in the end, we just went with a guy.”

“No shtick this time,” Ruben added. “It’s just a normal guy who enjoys the cereal and eats it sometimes, but also eats other things. No one is trying to steal it from him. He’s not keeping it away from anyone. He keeps it in the cupboard. He’s a grown man who can just have it when he wants, basically.”

Consumer reactions to the new mascot have been mixed. “Sure, sounds fine,” said Brad Watterson. “Whatever.”

“The mascot would sometimes just have a handful right out of the box, like if he’s in a hurry or just wants a little snack or something,” Ruben explained, adding that usually he’ll pour himself a bowl, probably with 2% milk.

The mascot’s catchphrase is set to be: “This is definitely one of the best cereals that I’ve tried so far.”