“I’m putting boogers in your valentine mailbox!” declared Luke T. during the valentine period with eighteen already-prepared little congealed snot balls sitting on his desk, begging to be smothering over a valentine. “And there’s nothing you can do to stop me!”
“No way! Luke T. really likes you,” stated friend Amanda W. while watching Luke T. put one nostril under the faucet and fill the other with little pieces of cucumbers from his snacks to try to cultivate a better ecosystem to grow more boogers at a faster rate. “He is really putting in so much effort for your valentine.”
“Boogers! Boogers!” Luke T. announced as he planned to use the stick from the heart-shaped lollypop bought by Ali’s parents for the school’s party to make sure he gets deep in there and pulls out a big one for you. “I’m putting the boogers in right now!”
At press time, Luke T. planned to give some boogers to his secret snowflake.