Man Confidently Walks Through Faunce Arch During Acapella Performance Like Moses Parting Red Sea

Published Friday, September 22nd, 2023
Filed under Campus Life

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” one onlooker remarked on the holy sense of purpose that seemed to flow through Kimm, “he held one arm up, and the singers just split like they were compelled by the hand of God. Usually they’re impenetrable.” While the group struggled its way through a pop cover, Kimm strode deftly between sopranos and altos, moving his feet as though guided by a higher power. “I was stuck in place of course,” the onlooker continued, still awed, “but Max just walked through like it was nothing.”

“I didn’t even know you could go through them," said a nearby freshman, following Kimm as though she was an Israelite being guided out of Egypt. “I guess I never thought that we could be free.”

At Press time, Kimm was passing through the Van Winkle gates as though they were the eye of a needle to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.