Most Successful Blood Drive Yet Raises Just Enough For Slip 'N Slide On The Quad

Published Sunday, October 27th, 2013
Filed under Campus Life

With a total of 550 pints of blood collected during the University’s most recent and most lucrative blood drive to date, the student body is making preparations for what promises to be the greatest Slip ’N Slide ever. The event, to be held on the Main Green sometime next week, will be a celebration of the community’s generosity and a way to relieve some stress before midterms.

Williams claims that setting up a Slip ’N Slide on the quad has been the main objective of the monthly blood drive for as long as she can remember. “Every blood drive until now has fallen just short of our goal," she said, “And we end up just having a water balloon fight or something.”

The Class Coordinating Board reportedly created a Facebook event for the celebration, on which over 300 students have confirmed their attendance. “It feels good to do good!” said Betty Tsu ’16, who also posted a picture boasting her “I donated” sticker and bandages. Said Clay Hilgenberg ’16, “Sliding through the warm blood will be super nice, like a little bit of summer in the middle of November!”

Williams and the rest of the blood drive board members have been working long hours reviewing the logistics of the event, but they are also busy figuring out future plans for the blood drive. “The Slip ‘N Slide is the whole reason I wanted to get involved in blood collection in the first place, but there will always be a need for more donations,” she explained. Pleased with the recent rise in student donations, the board has set the new goal at 700 pints of blood, the amount necessary to fill the Dean’s queen-sized waterbed.