Obama Suspects Giant Wooden Horse Left In Front Of White House A Bad Sign

Published Friday, April 24th, 2015
Filed under Off Campus

“It’s definitely out of the ordinary, and in these strange times, this giant horse should be looked at with some degree of suspicion,” Obama said, adding that its large size and indefinite origins are also cause for concern. "On the one hand, it could be something very good. It might be that it’s filled with money or Snickers bars. On the other hand, it could be some kind of symbolic act of war, or maybe a bomb. Really not sure.

The President also mentioned that the horse seemed well-constructed but “had a weird door on its underside.” "Now, I don’t want to jump to conclusions or make an uninformed decision about what this horse really means,” Obama added, noting that he’s done that before and nothing good ever comes of it. “This might be a statue of liberty thing, a gift from the French signifying friendship. Just not sure.”

Obama has since suggested that the horse might be a good birthday gift for Sasha.