Parents Not Pleased Jimmy Independent Concentrating in Yeah Jimmy! Go Jimmy! You Rule Kiddo! Studies

Published Friday, March 6th, 2015
Filed under Campus Life

“We knew a well-rounded liberal arts education was important to him, so we’d given up on a traditional pre-professional major,” said Roger Langdon, Jimmy’s father. “But why not something that exists, like history or English? I honestly have no idea what this concentration entails.”

Rebecca Langdon, Jimmy’s mother, is deeply concerned about her son’s concentration decision. “Obviously we love Jimmy, and we’ll support him with whatever he chooses to pursue. But this isn’t really what we expected to spend our tuition dollars on. Are there really professors that teach classes about this? I’m very confused.”

Despite his parents’ disapproval, Langdon has repeatedly attempted to convince them of his concentration’s legitimacy. “Sure, it’s not something like computer science where there’s a set sequence of ten or twelve courses," Langdon explained. "Some semesters I might be taking a lot of Jimmy, You’re The Best, and others might be focused on Jimmy Is So Cool. By senior year I hope to be moving on to more advanced topics like Go Get ’Em, Tiger and Is That A New Shirt, Jimmy? It Looks Really Good On You. That variety is part of what appeals to me so much about this course of study.”

“Also, I have way more self-confidence now,” Langdon added.

As of press time, Langdon’s younger brother and fellow Brown student, Kyle Langdon ’18, declared his independent concentration in Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra! Woop-de-doo Kyle! High-5! Studies.