Professor Who Pees Into Desk Drawer Really Hopes No One Comes to Office Hours

Published Wednesday, September 7th, 2011
Filed under Campus Life

“I know it’s important for students to have one-on-one time with their professors,” said Cunningham, who holds office hours on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. “But I’m starved for time as it is, what with my research, faculty reviews and strong desire to pee undisturbed into this here drawer.”

The renowned academic said the drawer — a sturdy, veneer-covered, pee-filled compartment located on the left side of his desk — is at “just the right level” for urine disposal. “There’s only a few stray papers and pens in there, so the space was going to waste anyway,” he said.

Cunningham said he purchases a plug-in air freshener each semester during reading period when more students tend to attend office hours to discuss their final papers.

Cunningham’s relocation to his current office two years ago was beneficial, he added, as the table in his previous office had no drawers, forcing him to urinate onto the carpet.