Pulitzer Prize Winning Professor Has To Grade Your Shitty Discussion Post

Published Friday, December 8th, 2023
Filed under Campus Life

Reports indicate that not even a Pulitzer Prize can save your English professor from grading your shitty discussion post.
“There aren’t enough students in the class to warrant a TA,” said Tricia Stevens, English professor and winner of the Pulitzer Prize in literature. “I really want to foster engaged discussion about the course work and about writing—it’s just too bad these kids write shitty discussion posts.”
“I truly love nurturing beautiful young minds,” Stevens continued while yearning for you to turn in something both intelligible and on time, “but I can only read so many malformed, nonsensical blurbs about liminality before I lose it.”
“I understand that the class is mandatory S/NC,” Stevens added while contemplating that her fifteen years of schooling and numerous awards have culminated in grading posts written ten minutes before the deadline by hungover college students, “but some effort would be appreciated.”
At press time, the Nobel Prize-winning physics professor had to answer your stupid EdStem questions.