“Is this really the best they could do?” asked resident Jimmy Moore, gesturing to his Pikachu-shaped sign. “They even recycled the same four Pokemon for everyone on the floor: Squirtle, Charizard, Pikachu, and Ivysaur. They could have Googled some more.”
“There was no justification whatsoever," explained Moore as his roommate’s Charizard nametag fluttered from a single piece of tape. "Our RPL could at least put up a sign that says ‘Let’s Have A PokeBALL This Year!’ or ‘New Friends—Gotta Catch ’Em All!’ but the only thing on our bulletin board is a poster for an a cappella concert from 2015.”
“There’s absolutely no component of creativity to these," Moore continued. "Our names are written with a Sharpie, and they clearly printed them from a stock photo site because the watermarks are still there. Honestly, I’m disappointed. Champlin Hall got Game of Thrones signs and everyone was put in a different house with intricate handmade crests. And we get stuck with these? It’s just not fair.”
At press time, the RPLs were planning a movie night comprised solely of movies from the Netflix “Trending Now” section.