Report: Everyone You Pass On The Street A Potential Friend

Published Friday, April 24th, 2015
Filed under Off Campus

“Every day, the average American walks past upwards of twenty people who would be happy to watch the game with them on Sunday or maybe even organize a day trip, but most of us just walk right by,” said lead researcher Dirk Stevens, adding that these friends may not always be be our best friends, but “a friend’s a friend.” "They may look imposing, but remember they are just as scared of you as you are of them. You’ve just got to put yourself out there!”

Stevens, who conducted the majority of the research himself and now has a lot of friends, went on to specify that all you have to do to make a friend out of a fellow pedestrian is say hello and have a pleasant conversation about the weather or the local sports team.

The report stated that “a simple smile can sometimes be enough to lay the groundwork for the bonds of friendship.” The report continued to say that even though not everyone will end up on “the friendship train, a bright smile is sure to make everyone’s day better.”

“What’s the worst that can happen?” asked Stevens.

The report went on to say that these people might also murder you.