Report: Retyping Heading Found To Be Most Effective Cure For Writer’s Block

Published Friday, December 1st, 2017
Filed under Campus Life

“My name, the class, the date, the assignment…I cranked it all out right after I created a new file, but sometimes it helps get the juices flowing to just sit down, hold the backspace button, and type it all again,” said Yoon, toiling over a nearly-blank Google document that he pulled up several hours ago. “I’ve found just putting fingers to keys and free-writing those four points is the best way to get over that initial hurdle.”

Yoon noticed similar trends when trying to complete all sorts of assignments, no matter how short it was or how soon it was due.

“Once, I even tried looking back through my notebook from class—it really didn’t work,” stated Yoon, recalling a time he naively attempted to pull together notes from lecture and half-assed readings to get started, “I realized that if I typed my heading out a few more times, I’d feel pretty accomplished and call it a good day’s worth of progress.”

At press time, Yoon was found staring intently at his screen, wondering whether or not including a middle initial might give him that little extra kick.