The report revealed that even some people who have just as busy lives as you do managed to fit in a quick workout, some waking up at 5 or 6 a.m. to do so. Scientists noted that a significant percent of the population has already overcome the urge to just stay in bed or spend another hour browsing the internet to work up a good sweat.
Lead researcher Barbara McNeil said that some people really did spend the early hours of the morning burning calories and increasing their strength and agility. “We found that quite a few people resisted the urge to just hit the snooze button and are already enjoying the benefits of a good workout because of it,” said McNeil.
McNeil found that some people are feeling awake, healthy, and strong right now because they left the house and went to the gym instead of eating three bowls of cereal. She added that those who already went to the gym are already more attractive and healthy than those who stayed home.
As documented in the report, some people already ran on the treadmill, lifted weights, and used that machine with all the levers today, and they’re planning on doing it again tomorrow, too.
McNeil and her team were unable to find a reason why only a portion of the population has already gone to the gym today. “We found that getting up and just going to the gym for once is not a difficult task,” said McNeil. “Though non-gym-goers were able to generate numerous excuses for not exercising, including not wanting to get all sweaty and wanting to get just five more minutes of shut-eye.”
McNeil revealed that some people really like the gym and don’t even mind how much their legs hurt after they exercise, so they were happy get a workout in before moving on to the rest of their day.
The report concluded that some people are even at the gym right now.