Report: We Literally Have A Class Called “Old-Time String Band” Here

Published Friday, October 25th, 2019
Filed under Campus Life

“Old-Time String Band?” said freshman Danny Kellogg, who was rightfully perplexed after spotting the course on CAB. “What even is that? Do they learn about old-time string bands? And what is an old-time string band?”

After briefly scanning the class syllabus, Kellogg concluded that the students in the class are actually in an old-time string band themselves, adding another layer of confusion.

“Okay, let me get this straight,” Kellogg said, trying to wrap his head around the existence of the course. “They get credit for showing up and playing old-timey music? What?”

A deeper look into the syllabus revealed that the class involves students playing guitar, banjo, mandolin, and fiddle in a laid-back, collaborative setting every Tuesday night. Again, this is actually a class that is offered at Brown University, if you’d believe it.

“How did this fly under my radar so long?” Kellogg added, his jaw dropping as he realized that, on top of all of this, the class is currently at full capacity. “That’s absolutely insane.”

At press time, yes, the course was mandatory S/NC.