Second Untitled Lamp/Bear Ominously Appears Next to First

Published Friday, December 9th, 2016
Filed under Campus Life

“The first bear made me a little angry but this new one just scares me,” said sophomore Sam Clarke, adding that she’s been avoiding walking across the quad since its appearance. “The two of them are making perfect eye contact and, call me crazy, but they seem to be communicating with each other. It even seems like the blue one is smiling now.”

Sources report that, instead of staying lit at night like the blue bear, the green bear’s lamp flickers constantly. When reached for comment, Urs Fischer, the creator of the Untitled Lamp/Bear series, said he was also unaware of the new bear and that the other two in existence were yellow.

“The green bear came without any warning,” said University President Christina Paxson. “And although the second bear does seem to be moving just the tiniest bit closer to the first every night, it’s nothing we should be worried about.”

At press time, the bears were gone.