Published Friday, October 26th, 2018
Filed under Campus Life
“Moriah was in my unit freshman year,” Minsk said after peering into his empty fridge. “We talked a few times but, wow, it’s been awhile! I’m just gonna shoot her a text. I wonder what she’s been up to. I can’t wait to sit down, talk about senior year, and ask if she’s headed to Whole Foods anytime soon.”
“I’ve cleared my weekend for two things: grabbing coffee with Moriah, and stocking up on groceries," mentioned Minsk, as he considered his barren pantry. "I’m excited to chat with an old friend who happens to have a car, and after that make a trip to the grocery store, ideally in that same car.”
At press time, Minsk was practicing the phrase “Wait, you have a car, right?” over and over in the mirror.