Student With Pencil Tucked Behind Ear Must Be Soulful Wordsmith

Published Friday, December 7th, 2018
Filed under Campus Life

“There’s no way this guy doesn’t write beautiful prose that is both witty and deeply intimate,” said classmate Laura Caputto, gazing at the young literary savant who doubtlessly uses the pencil balanced on his ear to record his shrewd musings on the world.

“He’s definitely written free verse about the days he spent wandering Amsterdam on a vintage bicycle and poems about an elegant fair-haired woman he met for a fleeting moment in a Parisian café who has never left his mind,” continued Caputto. “When he takes that pencil from behind his ear and puts it to paper, I’m sure the words flow out in a cascade of vivid metaphors and similes.”

At press time Burton was seen scribbling in a small moleskin notebook, likely composing the next great American novel.