There Should Be More Stars

Published Friday, October 30th, 2015
Filed under Opinion

I mean, Orion’s Belt? Give me a break, it’s just three stars. What kind of belt has only three stars? Fill in some of those gaps, give it, like, a sweet buckle, and it would be something to really stare at. And the Big Dipper? Imagine that with a cool handle, or an even bigger scoopy-part.

I know exactly what you’re thinking: “What if it gets too crowded in the sky for all those stars? What if they bump into each other?” But there would definitely be room. That blank spot over there? BLAM! Two stars. And that group of three stars over to the left? BLAM! Fill that out with some star clusters it would really tie the sky together nicely.

Look, it’s not like I’m unappreciative of the stars that are there. They’re cool, don’t get me wrong. But when I look up, the ‘wow’ factor just isn’t there, you know? I want to see the sky live up to its full potential, and its full potential involves way more stars. They say that there are more stars than grains of sand on every beach on Earth, but why are we stopping there? We should definitely at least double that number, if not triple it.

One of the biggest bummers is that we are only using half of the sky. We only see stars at night, but what about the day? I mean, you can see the sun and all, but we could definitely use some of that empty space for some more stars.

Ask Stephen Hawking or Neil deGrasse Tyson; they would for sure agree, and would definitely be excited about the possibilities for research. I’m sure they’re tired of looking at all of the same stars and practically begging for more stars to look at.

Stars. I want stars everywhere.