What If 999 People Register for Intermediate Swedish Before I Do?

Published Wednesday, May 9th, 2012
Filed under Opinion

I’m a rising junior, but there are still 999 seniors who could possibly take this class. What if they all register? I know what you’re thinking — it’s Intermediate Swedish. Anyone who registered would need to have taken Beginning Swedish first, which is not offered at Brown. But what if 999 seniors decide to study introductory Swedish over the summer so that they can take Intermediate Swedish in the fall?

Everyone knows that Swedish is the language of today. You’re basically guaranteed a job in the government if you know Swedish. It’s the universal language of business, too. I read that Mark Zuckerberg spends an hour a day teaching himself Swedish so he can communicate with the international tech tycoons of Sweden.

I’m sure the competition for spots in the intermediate class will be cutthroat, but I don’t know what to do, other than start spreading rumors that Swedish is really hard or that the professor is horrible. I guess if I don’t get a spot, I can just start showing up anyway and impress the professor with my persistence. Then maybe she will give me an override PIN. But how will the professor notice me with 999 other students in the class? I guess I’ll just have to raise my hand a lot or, if that doesn’t work, come two hours early to be first in line for office hours so I can give her a sob story about a long-lost Swedish grandmother or something.