“This is the definition of luxury,” commented Sullivan, reveling in the spa-like aroma and satiny finish of the moisturizer. “I feel like I should throw on a string of pearls and whip up some hors d’oeuvre. If I close my eyes, I’m not in my bathroom anymore—I’m in my private pool house in the Bahamas. It’s transformative!”
Succumbing to her imagination as the shea butter scent enveloped her, Sullivan described her newfound affluence.
“It’s like I wear a different pair of Louboutin heels every day," explained Sullivan. "I practically have a chauffeur. Diamonds! I wear diamonds to all of my various galas and charity events. My son has a nanny, and a private chef. This is the life.”
At press time, Sullivan decided to be extra fancy and light a scented candle.