Wouldn’t it Be Great if Life Had an Undo Button? Or, Alternatively, a Free Tacos Button?

Published Friday, December 7th, 2012
Filed under Opinion

I’ll be the first to admit that I often get myself into some embarrassing conundrums. Prolonged eye contact, a borderline sexist joke—it’s times like these I wish I had a big red button I could press to make that uncomfortable moment go away. It’s times like these I also sometimes wish I had a big blue button I could press to get a plate of fresh tacos. I’d still be uncomfortable, but at least I wouldn’t be hungry.

Imagine: you’re on a date with a beautiful girl, when suddenly you accidentally say something embarrassing. “My mom is my best friend.” She gives you a look that lets you know the night is over. But how awesome would it be if, with the press of a button, you could erase that statement from said-dom? And if that didn’t work, with the press of a button, you could provide both you and your beautiful date with an endless supply of delicious tacos, distracting her from your error?

Fail a test? Boom. Crash your car? Poof. Throw up at your Bar Mitzvah? Alakazam. You’d never make another mistake again. At least, not one that counted for longer than it took for you to run crying back to your button.

Perhaps there would be two sub-buttons for soft and hard shell tacos—kind of a left-click, right-click sort of thing.

Have you ever heard the phrase “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again?” This would give you the chance to put that phrase into practice! Or it could give you the chance to coin a new phrase: “If at first you don’t succeed, drown, drown your sorrows in a spicy blend of Tex-Mex seasonings.”