Just So Everyone Knows, I Was Only Rejected by the Brown Noser Because Nobody Punderstands My Sophisticated Sense of Humor

Published Wednesday, April 30th, 2008
Filed under Opinion

Oh yeah? Well, for the record, that's because you guys are too lame to even understand the humor behind my sty-ill. It is a well-known fact among the guys in my a capella group (We Didn't Start the Choir, still accepting members, email me if you got rejected by the Jabberwocks!!) that I am hilarious. One might even say that I'm so hilarious, it's hi-scary-ous. PWNed! Or should I say, PUNed?

You guys, on the other hand, psha! You think you're so cool with your fake news articles, and your.funny jokes. Well, FYI, you aren't even that funny! Brown Noser? More like Brown Poser. I will say this, though, you guys are a little like noses.because you smell! Yeah, that's right. I went there. Whatcha gonna do about it, cover me in snot-funny jokes? Oh man, I'm totally on a roll right now. A rock and roll. Because I rock. The casbah.

Hahahahahahahaha-See? That's funny, people! Taking it one step further. That's what the people want. The ladies, anyway. Oh snap!

Enjoy watching your paper tank without me on board, fellas!

Your nemesis,
Artie "I'll Skool You" Skolandris '10
a.k.a. Sko-dawg

P.S. Why did the cow drop out of the poker game? The STEAKS were too high. Ha! See? This is what you're missing. Not that I would want to write for your rag anyway. Whatevs.

P.P.S. So are you guys going to be accepting applications in the fall or what?