Samsung Mobile Charging Stations Have Feelings Too!

Published Friday, February 26th, 2010
Filed under Opinion

I came to Brown because I heard it was an open and accepting place, but, let me tell you, so far the reception I've relieved has left quite a bit to be desired. Since the moment I arrived I've received nothing but dirty looks and hurtful words. Did you call the fake novels on top of the salad bar "Giant Electric Dildos" when they arrived? I didn't think so.

So far I've quietly accepted the ridicule, but I can't take it anymore. I'm going to set the record straight. First of all, I resent the idea that I'm worthless. Just because my outlets are four feet off the ground and at least 10 feet from the nearest table doesn't render me functionless. You could easily move one of those tables closer, is that really so much a price to pay for the peace of mind you gain from an assured four bars of battery life? Second, I am entirely aware of the irony of my name being "mobile" yet me being bolted to the floor with a steel plate, so lets just drop it, okay? Furthermore, I'm not some sort of corporate sellout; I'm here for the same reasons that many of you are: to make social connections and surf the net via a variety of reliable Samsung devices and networks.

I don't mean to come off as rude, but you people really hurt my feelings, and I guess this is my way of lashing out. Certainly it's immature, but I think we can admit we've all been a little childish and judgmental in the past few weeks. So let's put it behind us, everything, all the name-calling, disdainful glares, and juvenile vandalism-I'm talking blank slate. I'm sure if we actually got to know each other we'd have a lot in common. For example, I know you like talking on your Samsung cellphone, and I happen to like charging Samsung cellphones. Look! We're hitting it off already. So, come find me and we can shoot the breeze. I usually hang out in the back cave of the Ratty, right next to that worthless piece of shit lounge area.