Student with Busy Schedule Still Manages to Spend Most of Time Complaining About Busy Schedule

Published Friday, October 29th, 2010
Filed under Campus Life

However, despite Humfeld's heavy load, she still spends the solid majority of her time complaining about her obligations. "She usually does it in small little 5-minute chunks throughout the day, but sometimes at night she can get a couple solid hours of complaining in," her boyfriend Josh Conner '12 told the Noser. After countless hours of research, Conner is considered the leading expert in understanding exactly how busy Humfeld is, though her close friends have also collected considerable data. "I thought as she got busier she would have less time to complain, but actually the opposite has happened. I'm not even sure how she does it. The complaining, I mean. Her workload is pretty much standard for Brown."

Humfeld's sociology professor Lori Reis offered her own take on the situation. "That girl spent my entire office hours telling me how hard she's working. She didn't even ask any questions! Here's a little social advice: you will alienate everyone around you if you don't shut up for five seconds." The professor then paused, or she would have, if she weren't such an oblivious hypocrite. "Also, how much work could she actually have? I mean, she's in a sociology class. You know you've lucked into an easy concentration when your only serious research happens on a Wednesday night at Fishco."

Despite the increasing skepticism of Humfeld's acquaintances, she continues to whine on and on about her pile of work. "So I decided to take this GISP, which is a great class, I'm totally learning so much, but it's a ton of work. I've consider dropping it but I've already put in so much time it would just seem like a waste, you know? Plus I'm totally going to get an 'A' in it, or at least I better after I spent all night writing that paper. ALL NIGHT! Like, at least until 1 a.m. Totally nuts, right?". When questioned on the name of the GISP, she said, "Oh, its called 'The Art of Complaining.'"

"And what sucks is, even though I'm so busy now, it's only going to get worse and worse as the semester progresses. I'm probably going to go crazy during finals," Humfeld, who does not come with an off-switch, continued. When the Noser tried to point out that once winter break got here she could relax, she noted "Oh man… winter break. I'll have, like, nothing to do. It will be soooo boring."