Student in Mail Room Doesn't Want to Attend Ethnic Dance Show

Published Wednesday, April 30th, 2008
Filed under Campus Life

Mangrove pretended to be occupied with a phone conversation, attempting to look interested in the mail boxes to his left, with little success. His accidental eye contact with Shelly Gutierrez '10 ended any reasonable hope of escape. "Shake! Saturday, Shake! Saturday" she implored, speaking far too loudly for communication with a human in close proximity. Mangrove was quickly guilted into buying a ticket that he "might as well just set on fire." His roomate, Allan Brooks '09 showed little sympathy: "Amateuristic, son. I've faked deaf in the mail room for the last two years. They don't even ask anymore."

Gutierrez was shocked that any student would be averse to attending this upbeat romp through South American dance, especially at the overly reasonable price of three dollars in the P.O., six dollars night of at the door. Mangrove disagreed, citing "anything" as his preferred alternative to viewing the show.

Shake! is this Saturday from 7PM to Midnight in an overheated auditorium, and will be attended by Mangrove and the obligated friends and relatives of the performers.