Freshman Hopes New Roommate Okay With Pre-Bedtime Saxophone Playing Routine

Published Friday, September 16th, 2016
Filed under Campus Life

“I like Walter already and I want to be friends with him,” said Mellot. “So I really hope my habit of loudly and festively playing my sax immediately before I go to sleep doesn’t annoy him or anything. He seems to be okay with me leaving the window open at night, so I don’t think twenty to thirty minutes of saxophone while he’s getting in bed will be a problem either.”

Mellot has reportedly been excited to live with a roommate for the first time ever, but has been nervous that blaring a wind instrument in the room during sleeping hours may annoy him. “I guess I could play it in the hallway if Walter really doesn’t like it,” he said. “But I like to play really, really loudly, so there’s always a tiny chance that it would bother someone from a different room.”

“I mean, I like a little bit of jazz,” O’Neal said when asked about Mellot’s repertoire. “It’s sometimes cool in the background of a song, I guess.”

Still unsure whether or not playing saxophone in their shared room would bother O’Neal, Mellot decided to smoke a few cigarettes at his desk and think about it.