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The Brown Noser

Hey What's Your Name? By The Guy Who Facebook Friended the Entire Class of '14 This Summer

Published Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Hey hey hey, it's my faaaaavorite people in the world! Oh, you know me, don't you? Come on! B.J. Starr! From Facebook? Remember?

Oh, well, I'm sure you'll remember in time. I made the ""Brown University Class of 2014 SUPER OFFICIAL!!!"" Facebook group. Do you remember now? And then I friended everybody who joined the group, and if they ignored my request, I sent them another one saying ""pretty please""? And then I sent people weekly updates on how excited I was to meet them? Remember now?

Oh. You're not on Facebook? Well, um, that's. special.

Oh, hey, look-it's this guy! I love this guy! With the hair, and the - face. This guy is awesome! Best buds right here in our first week on campus, but it's like we've known each other for ages, right? Thank God for the Internet, LOL!

(Um, hey, what's your name? Mike? Oh, cool. B.J. Nice to meet you.)

Well, anyway, as you can see from my profile pic, I am super-duper completely 112% focused on my schoolwork - except for when I'm being really chill and laid back and partying or playing with my Frisbee or throwing around my hacky sack or strumming away on my acoustic guitar, but really I only bring that out when I'm not watching my favorite movies like "Say Anything," "Schindler's List" or "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"; and those are only for when I'm all done re-reading my favorite books, although I haven't listed those on my profile, because it's totally cooler if you just say that you like to read "Everything""because who really wants to pick favorites, right?

Yeah, you like my Tommy Bahama sunglasses? I like them a lot; I wore them in my profile picture. You've seen my profile picture, right? Hey, where are you going? I thought we kind of hit it off! Oh, you're going too, Mike? Okay, I'll shoot you a message or twelve later on and we can catch up.

Oh, hey, check it out, check it out-Check! It! Out! I know you! You're, um, oh wait, don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me trying to remember . WHAT IS YOUR NAME? No, no, no don't tell me don'ttellme don'ttellme uhhhhhhh.

OK, tell me.

Indira? Hmm, that doesn't really ring a bell. But I have over 9000 friends, so it's a bit harder for me than it is for average folks.

What? Yeah, Brown doesn't have that many freshmen by a long shot. But don't judge me or anything, ROFL! I just sent friend requests to as many people in the Brown network as I could, plus anyone named "Brown" and anyone I could find who was wearing brown in their profile picture.

You've seen my profile picture, right?

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