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The Brown Noser

Students Protest Increase in On-Campus Rallies, Accidentally All Wear Hawaiian Shirts

Published Friday, November 30th, 2007

Students were shocked and appalled yesterday morning to discover that their collective protest against wearing the same color shirt for a cause backfired. After deciding to wear a pattern that no one else might be wearing, they each reached for that one random Hawaiian shirt in the back of the closet. Though many of these were, in fact, different colors, the vibrant floral designs and lurid colors added a splash of pizazz to the dismal New England climate that the Brown campus hasn't seen since the Flaming Lips performance at Spring Weekend last year.

Many students failed to understand the purpose of the protest.

"I just saw a bunch of kids in Hawaiian shirts chilling on the Main Green," said Sam Dunlap '11. "I thought maybe it was a protests for like harsh treatment of pineapples or something."

The coordinator of the protest, Jason Greene '08 expressed his reaction after the non-statement of non-conformism.

"It just blows so many pineapple chunks. By the way, did you hear about that protest against Brown sweatshops? Yeah, we're thinking of counter-protesting and all wearing paisley."

Both Tibbs and Greene hope that this non-protest will be more successful in the future and are looking forward to not joining in the fight and not rallying more troops to their non-cause.

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