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The Brown Noser

170 Person Mailroom Line All Worth It After Tearing Open Fresh Pack Of 16 Command Strips

Published Monday, October 31st, 2022

After watching the sun rise and set through the first floor windows of Page- Robinson Hall, freshman Theo Spitzer is relieved that 170-person mailroom line proved to be completely worth the wait once he tore into a fresh pack of 16 com- mand strips.
“The morning wasn’t too bad. It was during the afternoon and evening that the fatigue really started setting in,” said Spitzer, standing shoulder to shoulder with dozens of other students and struggling to be heard over the blaring sound of the mailroom’s Pandora station. “But when I tore open that package and the smell of fresh command strip hit my nose, it made every second worth it.”
At press time, the 300-person Ratty line was totally worth it after biting into freshly mashed souffle.

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