Campus a cappella group The Barnstormers announced at a Wednesday press conference that they will, at some point this year, do that thing like what happens on New York subways where they all start singing some bullshit song on public transit.
“The time has come to expand upon the traditions of carol-singing, Ratty singing, and arch singing,” said group member Stanley Haas ’16 from a stage of disgustingly peppy individuals. “What the Providence area demands are unprompted, partially choreographed performances by similarly dressed people on public transit,” he added.
“A cappella has long been the most consistently enjoyable, relevant source of entertainment at Brown,” said Michael Gonzales ‘16, the group’s musical director. Gonzales said that after brainstorming with other groups how to expand that appeal to community at large, the answer became clear. “It was simple. Just get on a bus and sing away,” he said.
“Everybody loves it when that happens,” he added with a truly overwhelming air of undeserved self-confidence.
The group made good on their word the next day on RIPTA route 22. While bus sources later acknowledged that they guessed it was a little weird that they all got on at the same stop in matching outfits, nothing seemed drastically out of the ordinary.
“Then they up and started singing and dancing,” said Mike Carbone, an MRI technician from Smithfield whose overnight shift had recently ended. “I could’ve walked. It’s not that far,” he added.
While sources on the morning rush hour bus initially expressed confidence that the performance would be brief, it soon became clear that they were in for some sort of medley that would likely involve the theme songs of various cartoons from the performers’ childhoods, juxtaposed with today’s Top 40 hits.
“It’s nice to spice up people’s morning commute with some music. I think it really improves their day,” said Todd Berkin ’17, a baritone in the group who has probably never done anything for anyone.
At press time, sources said that if the group starts that thing where a guy sits on an old lady’s lap and sings directly to her, so help them God they will pull the emergency brake.