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The Brown Noser

ABC Releases New Charlie Brown Halloween Special Where All The Characters Turn To Bones

Published Friday, October 26th, 2018

As part of this year’s Halloween lineup, ABC announced last Tuesday that they’ll be airing a new Charlie Brown Halloween special that involves all the characters turning into bones.

“People love ‘It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’ and we wanted to do something similar but spookier,” explained ABC CEO, Channing Dungey. “We see this as a great opportunity to take The Peanuts into the twenty-first century and to turn them into bones.”

Dungey explained that the hour-long Halloween special will feature Charlie Brown and his friends lightheartedly dealing with the challenges of childhood—having a crush, failing a test, not being invited to a party—and then all the characters turning into bones.

“We want to assure viewers that this special is going to include everything that makes The Peanuts so great,” Dungey reported, saying the special will be fun for the whole family. “All your favorite characters will be there except now they’ll just be piles of bones. Charlie will turn to bones, Linus and his blanket will turn to bones, and even Woodstock will turn to bones.”

“They will even do that adorable little dance to The Peanuts theme at the end of the special,” she continued, “But they will do it as piles of clickety, clackety bones.”

“It is sure to become a holiday classic.”

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