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The Brown Noser

Aging, Feeble Wizard Regrets Living At Top Of Incredibly Tall Tower With 10,000 Steps

Published Friday, February 4th, 2022

As he began to leave his chambers to bestow knowledge on a passing group of travelers, aging, feeble wizard Flamodius the Wise felt immense regret that he had decided to live at the top of an incredibly tall tower with 10,000 steps.

“It certainly felt like the right choice at the time,” said Flamodius, recalling the day he set up shop in the spindly, vertiginous tower, which is located on an isolated mountain peak. “But I couldn’t have been more foolish. It turns out that a spiral staircase which seems to ascend into the infinite heavens is a real strain on the knees.”

“I’d like to get out more and grace the people of these lands with the magic of the elders, but leaving my house is such a pain,” Flamodius lamented, peering out his window at the eye-level clouds. “There’s no enchantment that can make getting down from here a walk in the park!”

At press time, a dark sorcerer was regretting living so close to the molten core of the Earth as he sweated through another set of robes.

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