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The Brown Noser

Air Force One Passenger Wondering If President Would Mind If They Took Their Shoes Off

Published Friday, May 12th, 2023

A current passenger on Air Force One, journalist Ari Gelb, is wondering if the president would mind if he took off his shoes on the plane.

“This is a really tough call for me,” stated Gelb as he tentatively reached down to the laces of his dress shoes. “One the one hand, he is the leader of the free world, and I’m sure there’s some expectation of decorum. On the other hand, this is going to be a pretty long flight.”

“Maybe he won’t notice that I took my shoes off if I hide my feet under the seat in front of me,” wondered Gelb as he slowly began to slip his shoe off of his foot, glancing around to see if the president was watching. “It’s just that my feet swell when I fly, so shoes get pretty uncomfortable. That said, I would hate for the president of the United States to see my socks.”

At press time, the chief of staff was taking off his shirt at a garden party because it was too hot outside.

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