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The Brown Noser

Aircraft Passenger Sitting in Emergency Exit Row Fears She In Over Her Head

Published Friday, November 4th, 2016

Sources report that Southwest Airlines passenger Claire Miller is regretting her decision to sit in the emergency exit row of a Boeing 737-300.

“I chose this seat for the extra leg space, but after receiving the 30-second orientation from the flight attendants, I knew I was out of my league,” explained Miller. “I saw everyone look my way when they had to locate the nearest emergency exit. I made eye contact with each and every one of them and realized that they are all depending on me.”

Passenger Neville Flynn watched from his seat in horror as the situation unfolded. “Federal law mandates that anyone sitting in that row must comprehend the instructions for operating the emergency exit,” said Flynn before muttering a prayer under his breath. “I wish they had placed me in that row. I’m prepared for anything."

Shortly after take-off, Miller reportedly fell asleep.

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