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The Brown Noser

Ambitious MCM Class Attempts Marxist Interpretation Of Sex In The City 2

Published Friday, September 15th, 2017

Sources report that the MCM Department’s newest class on offer, “Sex In The City 2, A Study Of The Dispossessed Masses,” ambitiously seeks to explore the Marxist undertones in the struggles of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda.

“Once I decided to make my reading highly selective," stated Jacob Malibu, one student in the class, “The Marxist references and themes became clear. For instance, the character Mr. Big can only be a reference to Karl Marx. My classmates have suggested Lenin or Mao Zedong, but I think they’re overanalyzing the film.”

“When the four protagonists arrive in the Middle East," continued Malibu, “The reality of life outside of the 1% is made painfully apparent to them. Carrie’s recognition that she’s very rich but most people are very poor is a superb use of dialectical reasoning. Engels couldn’t have put it better himself.”

“In a way, I think the four central characters are oppressed by capitalism just as much as the proletariat,” commented the grad student pioneering the class. “They have so much money that they’re basically being oppressed by their own wealth. The fact that they can buy anything they want is dull and tiring, much like manual labor in the lower classes. There’s definitely a sense of solidarity here.”

At press time, the MCM department was discussing the possibility of attempting a Marxist interpretation of the Transformers franchise.

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