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The Brown Noser

Area Man Thinking About Settling Down To Start Secret Family

Published Friday, April 25th, 2014

Area 34-year-old Mark Spratt told reporters on Tuesday that he feels he has reached the time in his life when a man starts thinking about settling down to start a secret family. While Spratt maintains that his late 20s and early 30s living with a single family in the Greater Boston metropolitan area was a lot of fun, it is time for him to move on to the next logical stage of his adult development.

“I travel so much for my business, it would be nice to have a second home to come back to, maybe in Dallas or Omaha,” Spratt said, expressing that he believed this line of thought to be the mark of a newfound maturity. “Some people put off this kind of planning for their whole professional lives—and those people never make time for a set of wife and kids living in geographical isolation from what you tell yourself and others is your ‘real’ life with your ‘real’ family.”

Spratt made it clear that, if he does not leave behind children in a distant city under an assumed last name, he will have felt he left his life’s course incomplete. “When a guy gets to be my age, he starts to think about raising children,” said Spratt. “Secret children, I mean. Children that my acknowledged and legitimate family will hopefully never find out about. Ever.”

Spratt went on to speculate that this was probably the age at which his own father settled down to start a secret family.

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