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The Brown Noser

Area Man Trying Not To Laugh At State Trooper’s Dumbass Hat During Traffic Stop

Published Friday, October 25th, 2019

Sources reported Thursday that area man Kent Tephron was struggling not to laugh at the dumbass hat worn by the state trooper who pulled him over on the highway.

“Yes officer, I’ve got the registration right here,” Tephron struggled to say with a straight face, doing his best not to stare at the very dumb looking hat the state trooper had delicately balanced on top of his head, as well as the weird strap across the bottom of his face. “I do know how fast I was going, sorry officer.”

“I’m driving to see my mom actually,” Tephron politely continued, avoiding pointing out that the trooper looks like a total fucking idiot and furthermore, that no one should have to take orders from someone who looks this absolutely goofy. “Thanks officer, you have a good one too.”

At press time, Tephron saw the hat get knocked off of the state trooper’s head as he got back into his cruiser.

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