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The Brown Noser

Area Man’s Jeans A Little Too Skinny

Published Friday, April 14th, 2023

Area man Rowan Nichols blissfully unaware that his skinny jeans may be a little too skinny.

“They looked killer on the model at Abercrombie, so I knew I had to give them a go,” remarked Nichols, amidst a painfully taut walk to class in which he could only manage to take nanoscopic strides. “Skinny jeans are a peak staple of 2008 fashion, but we just don’t see enough men rocking them nowadays. A true shame if you ask me.”

“Besides, I think people are big fans of my skinny jeans because everyone on campus has been eyeing me down today,” continued Nichols, oblivious to the fact that people are staring because his jeans are outlining a bit too much for comfort. “I kind of dig the attention. Brown is a pretty fashionable school, after all, so I’m not surprised that people know true style when they see it.”

At press time, President Paxon issued her first-ever student dress code to Nichols because god damn those boys’ jeans were too skinny.

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